Monthly Archives: July 2012

First Entry in Life in the Bush


I have started this blog under a bit of duress because it seems people want a bit more of bradnjenministries.  I have undertaken the arduous (to us techno-retards) task of redesigning our website.  So in order to insert a link in our menu bar, I had to go ahead and take the plunge and start a blog.  If you know me, you know that I generally have a difficult time making decisions.  And of course, at the moment, Brad’s away and I am left to my own counsel and couldn’t decide which blog company to use, so I just picked one.  Anyhow, the website is going to probably take another week or so before it’s actually published fresh and new because I’m having to correct alot of little glitches & mistakes I’ve made and I have so much free time to do it…..At about midnight, after only being able to work about 1 hour, my eyes just spontaneously shut & I start typing nonsense!  So, it’s a bit slow-going, but I’m working really hard at getting it done (simply because I have other more artistic and creative things I want to do)!

Hope this ends up being a worthwhile endeavor…..